Manhood Online – the Set Up

If you've had a look at the other pages in this area, you should have a pretty good idea about the origins, ethos and purpose of Manhood Online.

Manhood Online owes its existence to Steve Biddulph and seed funding from Microsoft Australia. HotHouse Interactive Productions created and produced the site for it's first four years.

Gel Works has taken over sponsorship of Manhood Online and the editorship has passed to Paul Whyte. To e-mail send to paulwhyte@* but please remove the * before sending the e-mail. The * has been added to block the SPAMers web crawlers.

Manhood Online works closely with men's groups and associations. The Australian Federation of Men's Health and Wellbeing Associations is supported by Manhood Online

The site has changed it's policy on membership so that "Guests" can now post to the members areas. Other policies will remain the same.

Click here for more information on Gel Works Pty Limited.

All SPAM sent to our servers will be rewarded by a permanent block to the offending host.

Updated 2/4/2004